Organic agriculture developed from the need to have a production model that can create good food and minimize the impact on the ecosystem to be a sustainable production system.
The International Federation Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM) drafted organic farming practices, which are accepted around the world, and it consist of 4 principles:
According to the collection of 2022 organic farming data, 76.4 million hectares of organic farming area are occupied by 191 countries around the world. Australia accounts for 48% of the world's organic farming area, followed by Europe, South America, Asia, North America, and Africa respectively. According to data from the past 20 years from 2000 to 2020, there has been a tremendous 4 times increase in organic farmland on all continents of the world and in Asia alone by 60 times. (Source: FiBL survey 2023).
The market value is very high and the demand for organic agricultural products increases every year. From the data collected in 2001, it was found that the value was 21 billion US dollars (715.7 billion baht) and increased to 135.5 billion US dollars (4,617.8 billion baht). Organic has grown more than 7 times in 20 years, and during the outbreak of COVID-19, consumers' interest in organic products has increased, this made food sales and organic beverages rose as high as 15%, the highest growth ever reported was valued at 17 billion dollars (596 billion baht) (Source of data: FiBL survey 2023)
When considering market value by continent, It was found that the European continent had the highest market capitalization of 54.5 billion euros, followed by, North America which is valued at 53.9 billion euros and Asia at 13.7 billion euros. When considering the market for organic products from the overall market value of each country. It was found that the United States had the highest market value at 48.6 billion euros, followed by Germany, France and China. (Source: FiBL survey 2023)
North America and Europe alone account for 87.7% of the global organic market. The export of organic products to both continents must be certified to organic standards according to the compulsory laws of the destination country.
Standards, regulations, and certification standards are set up to
"Protect consumers and protect farmers the real organic producer"
The production of organic agricultural products and related standards can be divided
into 4 levels:
It can be seen that the market and standards come together. The greater the distance between the producer and the consumer, the more important the standard.
It is a standard or regulation of a country that producers, exporters, and importers must comply with when selling organic products in that country.
It is a standard that is well known to consumers in that country.
The National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards sets standards in collaboration with all sectors involved in organic agricultural products, including government agencies, the private sector, consumers and farmers. This standard is the minimum requirement that farmers in the country must comply with. And the certification body will use it as a basis for auditing.
Thai Agricultural Standard TAS 9000 - 2021
Organic Agriculture: Production, processing, labeling and distribution of organic produce and organic products.
The requirements scope
The main structure of the standard covers principles, objectives, and requirements applicable to all product groups.
The annexes related to organic crop production are:
Appendix A lists substances permitted for use in organic production.
Appendix B Management of organic crop production
Principles of Organic Plant Production
1. Pay attention to the systems and cycles of nature.
2. Responsible use of energy and natural resources
3. Production of high-quality foods that do not harm the environment, human health, plant health, animal health and welfare.
4. Ensure the organicity of organic production at all stages, such as processing and distribution of food and animal feed.
5. Design and manage optimal biological processes with the following methods:
6. The use of external inputs in case it is necessary to use, is limited to the use of the following criteria.
7. Consider the hygiene and balance of the ecosystem in each region, climatic and local conditions
This is a quality assurance system for organic farming standards. Developed by an organic movement comprising organic producers and stakeholders from around the world gathered together under the name of The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). IFOAM initiated the Organic Agriculture System Certification Program to provide accreditation services to various organic certification bodies. It currently has 800 members in 120 countries around the world. The headquarters is in the United States.
The Contents of IFOAM standards for organic production and processing are as follows:
There are two regulations to follow: (EC) 834/2007 which governs the Basic Regulations, and (EC) 889/2008 and (EC) 1235/2008. On details of organic farming production, labelling, import controls and rules. All products identified as organic and sold in the European Union must be manufactured under these regulations.
A distinctive feature of the EU standard is its emphasis on sustainable production processes. Environment, Quality and Animal Welfare
After many years of consultation and preparation, the new regulation (EU) 2018/848 was published on 30 May 2018. This regulation has been in force in the European Union since 1 January 2022 and replaces (EC) 834/2007, (EC) 889/2008 and (EC) 1235/2008.
The main areas that are resolved are:
The Regulation on Compliance (EU) 2021/1165 dated 15 July 2021 approves the use of certain products and substances for use in organic production and the preparation of lists for organic crop production are shown in Appendix 1 and 2.
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